“CREAMARE The Game” at Gamescom 2024: an extraordinary success!
The "CREAMARE The Game" team had the honor of participating at Gamescom 2024 in…
Linking creativity, culture and media technologies in the transnational co-production of digital interactive products for the communication of maritime and underwater cultural heritage.
Project Partners
Months duration
Countries involved
total budget
CREAMARE Project aims to creating a trans-national and cross-sectorial collaboration framework in which cultural organizations, scientific/research bodies, creative professionals, and technology experts can co-produce Culture and Creative Applications and digital products to communicate, disseminate and promote Underwater Cultural Heritage and, simultaneously, raise awareness about relevant social problems such as pollution and other environmental threats that affect the oceans.
CREAMARE proposes a holistic-cross-sectorial model for participatory design and co-production of CCI applications and media contents. These will act as attractive tools for disseminating the value and the challenges of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.
The project will test the framework by involving marine archaeologists, ocean scientists and experts from the creative sector to co-produce a serious game to raise awareness of the citizens about the relevance and the beauty of the UCH and the importance to preserve the Oceans’ health for the future generations.
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It provides a participatory approach to co-create digital products to disseminate and promote the Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH).
An ad-hoc web platform to facilitate the matching and collaboration among cultural organizations and creative teams.
Specific on-line and on-site training activities to build capacities of cultural institutions on the creation of 3D models and digital contents.
The main output of the collaboration framework will be the co-creation of serious games, AR/VR and media contents.
Stay tuned and discover all the project's details and updates!
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+1 (234) 567 890
+0 (987) 654 321
457 Morningview Lane,
New York USA
Mon – Fri : 09.00 – 18.00
Sat – Sun : 10.00 – 17.00
The "CREAMARE The Game" team had the honor of participating at Gamescom 2024 in…
The CREAMARE project was presented by Atlantis Consulting, at the European Maritime Day 2024…
CREAMARE partners meeting in Zagreb (Croatia) - on May 22nd and 23rd, 2024.
Linking creativity, culture and media technologies in the transnational co-production of digital interactive products for the communication of maritime and underwater cultural heritage.
Copyright © 2022 CREAMARE Project | Developed by 3D Research