


3D Research

3D Research (Italy) is a spin-off company of the University of Calabria (CS), founded in 2008. 3DR works in the field of 3D computer graphics and AR, VR and XR technologies, focusing on the enhancement of cultural heritage through digital innovation.

Atlantis Consulting

Atlantis Consulting (Greece) provides high-level advisory services to support private companies, international organisations and national or regional governments to finance their investment plans and to achieve their development goals.

Pro Progressione

Pro Progressione (Hungary) is a Budapest-based artistic hub that connects people, professions and ambitions by designing international collaborations in the field of culture.


Novena (Croatia) is a digital media studio based in Zagreb. The aim is to develop interactive technologies for the digitisation of museums to improve the visitor experience and the dissemination of knowledge about cultural heritage

Pragma IoT

Pragma IoT Solutions (Greece) is a CERTH/ITI spin-off company focused on energy and the Internet of Things. Pragma specialises in providing end-to-end software solutions and consulting services in the energy and IoT sectors.

University of Cádiz

University of Cádiz (Spain) is a public education and research centre primarily focused on marine studies. The UCA participates in the CREAMARE project with the Nautical and Underwater Archaeology Research Group.

Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Culturale Subacqueo

Soprintendenza per il Patrimonio Culturale Subacqueo (Italy) is a new Public Authority of the Italian Ministry of Culture that has the role to safeguard and promote the Underwater Cultural Heritage. It promotes the underwater restoration of endangered assets, the research and the enhancement of cultural submerged sites.