

CREAMARE Project @ ArcheoCamp 2022

The CREAMARE project was introduced by SOP and presented by 3DR at the sixth edition of ArcheoCamp, which took place at the underwater archaeological park of Baia, in Pozzuoli (Napoli).

ArcheoCamp is the underwater archeology review organized by the Centro Sub Campi Flegrei at the submerged archaeological park of Baia in Pozzuoli. This sixth edition took place from 26th October to 1st November, and it was the 20th anniversary of its establishment. The week dedicated to underwater archaeology had a full program of activities: diving, snorkeling, conferences, workshops, underwater archaeology courses, and kayaking. In particular, on the 26th and 27th of October, an interdisciplinary scientific conference took place in the Palazzo Migliaresi‘s council chamber, in Rione Terra of Pozzuoli.

As part of the scientific conference “The integration of the sea space with the development of the territory“, three macro-themes were treated:

  • the experiences of underwater parks and Marine Protected Areas;
  • the projects and research for the protection, enhancement, and promotion of underwater and submerged cultural heritage;
  • to consider Southern Italy a field of experience for the territory’s study and management.


The presentation of the CREAMARE project was held while discussing the second theme, and 3DR, with SOP, talked about “The dissemination of the underwater cultural heritage according to a new public-private cooperation approach” and illustrated the related activities as a good example of co-planning between public institutions and private companies engaged in cultural heritage.

Post Tags :

archeocamp, baia, creamare, creative europe, eacea, european union, pozzuoli, turismo archeologico

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CREAMARE is a project co-funded by the European Union.

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